Cornerstone was a Christian magazine published in Chicago from 1971 to 2003. It was aimed at a teen and young adult audience with a contemporary style, especially disaffected youth such as those into punk rock, heavy metal, and the hippie scene who might not otherwise be receptive to the Gospel. The magazine did a series of interviews with secular rock musicians such as Ozzy Osbourne, in which the magazine would try to pin down the person’s views on God and Christ and attempt to lead them to salvation. They were also known for their investigative reporting. One of their most controversial articles was that on Mike Warnke. Cornerstone was published by Jesus People USA, an Evangelical Christian group also known for their outreach to runaway youth and other homeless people in downtown Chicago. Most issues are 11 inches tall. Issues 88-99 are 15 tall, requiring special packaging. See CMNexus for more detailed content descriptions.