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A replica stamp produced in solid silver featuring The Rolling Stones performing in New Jersey during their 2019 “No Filter”. Tour of the USA. The stamp ingot is struck from 1oz of 999 Ag pure silver with perforated style edging and selective embossed detailing to the Queen’s head and value to achieve the unique appearance of a stamp. The stamp design is printed in full colour with the iconic Rolling Stones tongue and lips logo struck to a proof finish on the reverse and hallmarking to confirm the silver content. A limited edition of just 1,962 in honour of the band’s first gig in 1962. Presented in a sleek presentation box with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Size of stamp ingot: 50mm x 30mm. Where appropriate they are officially licenced products using photographs and artwork that compliment the subject. We aim to send out your products as quickly as possible, but please bear in mind the time it takes to process the order and this may be affected by holidays and delays beyond our control. This set would make an ideal gift for friends and family, or as a treat for yourself.
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A replica stamp produced in solid silver featuring The Rolling Stones performing in New Jersey during their 2019 “No Filter”. Tour of the USA. The stamp ingot is struck from 1oz of 999 Ag pure silver with perforated style edging and selective embossed detailing to the Queen’s head and value to achieve the unique appearance of a stamp. The stamp design is printed in full colour with the iconic Rolling Stones tongue and lips logo struck to a proof finish on the reverse and hallmarking to confirm the silver content. A limited edition of just 1,962 in honour of the band’s first gig in 1962. Presented in a sleek presentation box with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Size of stamp ingot: 50mm x 30mm. Where appropriate they are officially licenced products using photographs and artwork that compliment the subject. We aim to send out your products as quickly as possible, but please bear in mind the time it takes to process the order and this may be affected by holidays and delays beyond our control. This set would make an ideal gift for friends and family, or as a treat for yourself.
Julia Roberts Rolling Stone Magazine Signed Autographed JSA. JSA sticker is located on the first inside page. Certification # M40243 No JSA certificate card included. This item includes James Spence Authentication (AKA JSA) Certification. One of the best in 3rd party autograph authentication. The listing includes high-resolution image(s) that are an integral part of the items description. These are authentic, original, hand-signed items without exception. Unpaid items are subject to cancellation. Due to the unique nature of our items, there are no chances for a re-do; we pack well for safe arrival. All sales are final.