This is a rare set of 9x plates from the Rolling Stones Exhibitionism collection. Each plate measures 21cm in diameter and features unique designs showcasing the iconic band’s history and style. These plates are a must-have for any Rolling Stones fan or music memorabilia collector. The plates are made with high-quality materials and come in their original box. They are perfect for displaying on shelves or using for special occasions. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of rock’n’ roll history with these limited edition Rolling Stones plates.
This is a rare set of 9x plates from the Rolling Stones Exhibitionism collection. Each plate measures 21cm in diameter and features unique designs showcasing the iconic band’s history and style. These plates are a must-have for any Rolling Stones fan or music memorabilia collector. The plates are made with high-quality materials and come in their original box. They are perfect for displaying on shelves or using for special occasions. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to own a piece of rock’n’ roll history with these limited edition Rolling Stones plates.
NO SALES TO RUSSIA. NO SALES TO ZERO FEEDBACK BUYERS. PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE LISTING FROM START TO FINISH TO AVOID ANY MISUNDERSTANDING. Each additional LP. Doubles count as 2 LPs. North & South Americas and Asia / Australia /. Album title:? 1. Label: Unboxed Decca – RED Grooved. Matrix? : XARL-6271-2A / -6272-3A 1/1 Mothers. Specifics: MONO – MONA Version – details see below. Grading system: M > NM > EX+ > EX > VG+ > VG > P. Over a few recent sales of mine I began noting an increasing subjectivity from buyers about grading resulted in disputes over particular grading definitions. That is why I use (+) or (-). My grading approach has been proven by many positive feedbacks gladly received from happy buyers with an exception of just a few. Otherwise I will not accept return if you claim that, for example. EX grade has turned into VG in your personal subjective opinion upon item arrival to you. Miscredited cover – Type 1. Mona’ instead of’I Need You Baby. You Can Make It You Try. You Can Make It IF You Try. Vinyl Visual / Audio. EX+ / NM lightest background in gaps. Lightest background in gaps. All my records are cleaned on Ultra Sound Audio Desk Systeme cleaning machine prior to playtesting. To playtest records a rigid AKAI AP-Q70 deck is used with an original Ortofon cartridge. It gives truly actual playtest result as has been many times observed that my records sound much much better on a modern playing equipment. EX / EX spindle traces both sides – Miscredited labels – Type 1. Side 2 label. Can I Get a Witness’ is credited’Bozier’ instead of’Dozier. Recording First Published 1964′ text on both labels. Correct polylined FFRR inner in NM. Grading is based on the Record Collectors Grading System. LPs are packaged in a manner to ensure safe traveling using stiffeners and professional envelopes to ensure safe arrival in the same condition as they leave. Records are removed from the sleeve in order to prevent seam splits in transit. Please allow up to 3 weeks depending on a destination for items to arrive. Should you have any questions feel free to ask. I answer all the questions.
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A replica stamp produced in solid silver featuring The Rolling Stones performing in New Jersey during their 2019 “No Filter”. Tour of the USA. The stamp ingot is struck from 1oz of 999 Ag pure silver with perforated style edging and selective embossed detailing to the Queen’s head and value to achieve the unique appearance of a stamp. The stamp design is printed in full colour with the iconic Rolling Stones tongue and lips logo struck to a proof finish on the reverse and hallmarking to confirm the silver content. A limited edition of just 1,962 in honour of the band’s first gig in 1962. Presented in a sleek presentation box with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Size of stamp ingot: 50mm x 30mm. Where appropriate they are officially licenced products using photographs and artwork that compliment the subject. We aim to send out your products as quickly as possible, but please bear in mind the time it takes to process the order and this may be affected by holidays and delays beyond our control. This set would make an ideal gift for friends and family, or as a treat for yourself.
Julia Roberts Rolling Stone Magazine Signed Autographed JSA. JSA sticker is located on the first inside page. Certification # M40243 No JSA certificate card included. This item includes James Spence Authentication (AKA JSA) Certification. One of the best in 3rd party autograph authentication. The listing includes high-resolution image(s) that are an integral part of the items description. These are authentic, original, hand-signed items without exception. Unpaid items are subject to cancellation. Due to the unique nature of our items, there are no chances for a re-do; we pack well for safe arrival. All sales are final.
Here we have a Very Rare Item. A Rolling Stones “A Bigger Bang” LP fully Signed by the Band. Signed by Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood and RIP Charlie Watts. There hasn’t been much of this Tour that has been signed, so this LP is Very Rare to have Signed. All 4 Band Members have signed this cover with a Silver Sharpie and the Signatures are Clean, Clear and Bold. This LP would be an Awesome Addition to anyone’s Collection! Also included with the Sale is a Full COA from Roger Epperson, so no doubts about them being Real/ Authentic! Exclusive Dealer of Metallica, Motley Crue, Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath and AC/ DC Autographs and Memorabilia!
Rare, unique Rolling Stones poster (25 by 20 inches) that’s reflective; made of thin, metallic-like material, from 1978, to promote their classic SOME GIRLS album (their last great one from the’70s), with the band looking fantastic. A fantastic find for true Stones’ fans. The poster is in very good to near mint condition, with some tape marks on the back. Please see my photos.
Rolling Stone Magazine #846 August 3, 2000 Blink 182- Eminem – George W. Rolling Stone Magazine August 3, 2000 BLINK-182 On Cover Eminem’s Hate Rhymes Furor. NOTE: we found these TWO BRAND-NEW subscription copies that were never even paged through, just put in a draw for 24 years and forgotten about. Since they were not left out to be faded in the son, the color is just as bright and vibrant today as it was when they came out 24 years ago. Like opening a buried waterproof time capsule and finding these! We have taken a photo of one of these and put it in this listing. Both are in the same pristine Brand-New condition. The subscription label is blocked out for the photo for the listing.