This is a brand new Magazine hand signed in person and comes Certified Authentic. A tamper resistant Autograph Pros hologram will be included on this item (Upon Request). Photo(s) taken at the time of signing for us will be included when available/shown. The COA that accompanies this item is not just a plain piece of paper, it’s a Certificate from a UACC Registered Dealer (Autograph Pros is UACC RD #237) as well as an AFTAL Authorized Dealer (Autograph Fair Trade League AD#161). These elite organizations are not just a pay for membership and your in club, there are strict guidelines to become a member and a very strict Code Of Ethics which mainly revolves around ensuring only 100% authentic autographs. Lastly and more importantly, Autograph Pros was the 2011 UACC Autograph Dealer Of The Year.