Check Out Our Feedback. From fork lifts, pallet trucks, cars, 4X4 plus other vehicle movements across the factory floor. The static loading that is imposed on the painted factory floor surface by pallet stacking in storage, or other equipment on the floor Most liquid or chemical spillages that may occur on the floor i. Water, oils, Cutting Agents, Soft acid cleaning agents, wheel/brake cleaners, engine coolant, brake fluids some fuel’s etc that are used in the processes carried out on the painted floor. (do not leave these to sit on the area coated they must be removed and not left to soak into the area, they will with stand the spill but not for long periods of time) Most factory floors are reinforced concrete floors and this must obviously have sufficient strength to support all of these loadings and uses. The functions of the industrial floor paint are: – to strengthen and improve the factory floor surface – to eliminate dust build up on surface (pre seal primer coating is always advised on dusty unpainted areas before a topcoat is applied) – to increase the floors abrasion and wear resistance – to provide the increased additional chemical resistance – to improve the appearance and ambience of the working environment -to speed up the cleaning/mopping of the area cutting down on time of this task and also to help combat dust issues on stock and surface contamination – to delineate specific areas, such as: safe walking areas, parking bays or access routes and other directions etc. Frequently Asked Questions 1. My floor is power-floated or screed will this coating be ok. This coating will be fine BUT the surface will need acid etching before a coating is applied. My concrete slab has been down 4 weeks can I now paint it. We advise a minimum cure time of 12 weeks before any coating is applied. What is pre seal. Pre seal is a primer coat to give better adhesion for the final floor paint finish giving a better life of coating. Is this floor paint water proof. This coating dose not offer any water proof properties. I want my floor to be high gloss will this coating get this finish. This floor paint is not a high gloss standard finish is a semi gloss, Any high gloss coating will have a high slip hazard. Will this coating fill gaps and cracks in the floor. This floor paint will not fill gaps it may joint fine cracks but we do recommend using a floor preparation filler to achieve a perfect finish. Can pre seal be applied on top of the floor paint to give a gloss finish. No pre seal is not a final top coat and is it also not a clear coating. We use bleach and industrial anti bacterial floor soap will this paint stand up to this. Yes this floor paint will speed up the cleaning process as most materials can not grip to the finished dry top coat. My floor is tiled will this coating stick. If you have high gloss tiles this paint will not stick, if you have a matt finish this coating will be fine if the surface is clean and dry. This paint will not stick to lino or bitumen surfaces. We are painting on Saturday will this paint be dry for Monday. C this paint will be touch dry in 10 hours and threw dry after 24 hours, we recommend to apply in sections and keep off the fresh coated area for minimum 3 days, if temperature is lower than 15? C this will affect the cure times and thickness of application will slow cure time down, Two thin coats are better then one thick coat. Can you help we have never painted a floor before what do we do. We are always happy to help and advise when needed, first we need to find out if the floor is a surface this paint will get along with luckily this paint gets on with the majority of surfaces brick, stone, metal, concrete, wood this coating will not stick to power-float (shinny smooth finishes) with out a acid etch preparation being done, once that has been identified we recommend to prep the floor with a acid etch or deep clean depending how contaminated the surface is, Pre seal is then applied when the cleaning stage has dried, leave 12 hours or until the pre seal is tack free you are then ready to apply your first neat coat of floor paint. Testing if the area is ready to coat with this type of professional coating testing if a concrete surface is ready to coat (identifying a powerfloated or screed or other issue surface) this is a very simple process of putting a amount of water on the surface you are looking to apply this range of floor coatings to ensure the area is clean and free from any contamination. If the water absorbs after a few minutes this area is ready for the cleaning & coating stages we can advise if needed with this. If the water sits on the surface and will not absorb and puddles this is a sign the area may require further preparation with acid etch or abrading. The acid etch process is a really easy application we can take you threw this process step by step if required. Dusty Unstable/Virgin Surfaces For areas that are dusty and unstable, you will need a product that has been designed for maximum penetration while providing a good film build by re-bonding the substrate together, returning the floor to a solid sound surface the product we advise is Marl Coatings Pre Seal this can be found on the floor paint drop down menu. Oily / Contaminated Surfaces Where the floors have been subjected to oil and grease, We recommend steam cleaning your floors and use Marl Coatings Heavy Duty Surface Deep Cleanbeforeapplication of any floor coating, after allowing the surface to dry and Marl Coatings Pre Seal has been applied a top coat can then be applied please do test patches on each stage of this process. Rising Damp A floor coating does not do well if you have any moisture issues Hydrostatic pressure from the moisture can actually cause the coating to peel up, sometimes taking pieces of the concrete with it. Should floors be devoid of an effective Damp Proof Membrane (DPM), virtually any paint will lift and peel off the surface. Indeed, even self-levelling screeds can be pushed up by water pressure. This is another nightmare regularly experienced by many companies. For this reason, a damp proof coating is recommended as a solution before applying a floor paint. Treating your floor before coating them It is important to treat your surfaces before coating them to prevent issues post-paint. Repair your floor: Before painting your garage floor, it is important to repair any cracks, holes or expansions of joints in your concrete to prevent an un-slightly finish to your flooring once its painted. Marl Coatings Pre Seal is designed to seal the surface from the out-gassing of the concrete, where air will rise and be expelled from the concrete which is often caused by a rise in temperature or a change in humidity. Another major cause to poor flooring is rising damp. Due to a poor or non-existent DPM (Damp Proof Membrane), the damp is caused by a rising water table and/or the immediate surrounding areas being waterlogged. Air entrapment is a common issue that can occur if the surface isnt primed before being coated. This is where the air pushes bubbles into the resin coat which later bursts, leaving? In your floor paint. This can also be caused when the resin has been mixed too quickly it is important to use the correct tools to mix to avoid issues. Primer tackles this issue by soaking further into the surface to fully seal the entire surface area of concrete floors. Air is then less likely to push up, and on the rare occasion that it does, the bubble will pop and the resin now being thinner, will generally revert back and refill the pin hole caused by the bubble. Product & Application information: FOLLOW SOLVENT BASED PRODUCT DIRECTION FOR USE LEFT SIDE ON REAR OF CAN. Marlcoatings shall not be liable to any person for any loss or damage which may arise from advice given or from the use of any of the information contained in any of the materials offered on this website. Established in Liverpool, Marl Coatings have been committed to producing environmentally friendly paint products for over 10 years. We match the best paints and surface coating technology with the very best levels of service, supplying quality industrial paint products around the globe. We know Industrial Paints and Surface Coatings Inside and Outside. We pride ourselves on our knowledge of the materials and technologies available in the paint and surface coatings industry. We offer a unique and professional service by helping companies and individuals find the correct paints and surface coatings to suit their needs. During the past 10 years Marl Coatings has become known for its friendly and dependable service by many blue chip clients including Merseyside Fire and Rescue, Merseyside Police, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) plus many County Councils and Local Authorities. Marl Coatings are also committed to providing a professional level of service and commitment. If you feel there is any way we could improve the service we provide or improve our web site or have any comments about the products we provide we would be pleased to hear from you. Help and Advice >. Experienced & Helpful Staff. Stunning Canvas Wall Art Picture Prints for your Home or Business. Member since: 27 Mar, 2015. Designed by Jarilo Design.