Certificate of authenticity included? Mint, Sealed and never opened? Only 2000 ever made. Each of the eight stamps in the set is coloured with selective embossing details to produce a stunning finish. The rare set comes in a bespoke black case with the iconic Rolling Stones logo in an eye-catching gold foil print. Comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Please feel free to ask questions in messages.
Certificate of authenticity included? Mint, Sealed and never opened? Only 2000 ever made. Each of the eight stamps in the set is coloured with selective embossing details to produce a stunning finish. The rare set comes in a bespoke black case with the iconic Rolling Stones logo in an eye-catching gold foil print. Comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Please feel free to ask questions in messages.
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A replica stamp produced in solid silver featuring The Rolling Stones performing in New Jersey during their 2019 “No Filter”. Tour of the USA. The stamp ingot is struck from 1oz of 999 Ag pure silver with perforated style edging and selective embossed detailing to the Queen’s head and value to achieve the unique appearance of a stamp. The stamp design is printed in full colour with the iconic Rolling Stones tongue and lips logo struck to a proof finish on the reverse and hallmarking to confirm the silver content. A limited edition of just 1,962 in honour of the band’s first gig in 1962. Presented in a sleek presentation box with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Size of stamp ingot: 50mm x 30mm. Where appropriate they are officially licenced products using photographs and artwork that compliment the subject. We aim to send out your products as quickly as possible, but please bear in mind the time it takes to process the order and this may be affected by holidays and delays beyond our control. This set would make an ideal gift for friends and family, or as a treat for yourself.
This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of music history. The photo measures 19″ x 16″ and has been signed by the legendary Pattie Boyd, who was married to Eric Clapton and played a crucial role in the formation of the Rolling Stones. The autograph is accompanied by an original stamp, adding to the value and authenticity of this item. The photo captures a momentous occasion, bringing together some of the most iconic artists in the history of rock and pop music, and the photo is a must-have for any serious collector of music memorabilia. The item is located in the United Kingdom and is perfect for display in any home or office.
The Rolling Stones 60th Anniversary Prestige Stamp Book and Case Limited Edition Brits. Item will be dispatched via tracking p&p worldwide. A Strictly limited souvenir edition of The Rolling Stones Prestige Stamp Book, protected in a flight case style box. Written by prominent music critic Alexis Petridis, the 24- page comprehensive guide charts the glittering career of one of the world’s most famous rock and roll bands. Contains all 12 stamps exclusive to the stamp issue perforated within the book. A Real Collectors item for any Stones Fan or Stamp Collector.
This is a stunning set of stamps commemorating the 60th anniversary of The Rolling Stones. Each stamp is gold plated and features the iconic band members. The stamps are of block type and are in mint hinged quality. The theme of the stamps is music and they are in a beautiful gold colour. This set is a must-have for any music or Rolling Stones fan and would make a fantastic addition to any stamp collection. The set is rare and highly sought after, so don’t miss your chance to own a piece of music history. A special edition replica of The Rolling Stones Stamp Set finished in pure 24 carat gold in celebration of their 60th anniversary year. Officially licensed and strictly limited to just 1,962 sets in honour of The Rolling Stones’ first gig at the Marquee Club in 1962. Each of the eight stamps in the set is colourised with selective embossed detailing to produce a stunning finish. The set is presented in a bespoke protective capsule. Presented in a custom-made black slip case with the iconic Rolling Stones tongue and lips logo in eye-catching gold foil print. A special edition version of the Rolling Stones stamp set reproduced in pure 24 carat gold with colourised and embossed detailing. A unique and highly collectible souvenir for any Stones fan. Strictly limited to just 1,962 sets. Includes an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Slipcase dimensions (cm): 23.5 x 10 x 2.
Certificate of authenticity included? Mint, Sealed and never opened? Only 2000 ever made. Each of the eight stamps in the set is coloured with selective embossing details to produce a stunning finish. The rare set comes in a bespoke black case with the iconic Rolling Stones logo in an eye-catching gold foil print. Comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Please feel free to ask questions in messages.
Certificate of authenticity included? Mint, Sealed and never opened? Only 2000 ever made. Each of the eight stamps in the set is coloured with selective embossing details to produce a stunning finish. The rare set comes in a bespoke black case with the iconic Rolling Stones logo in an eye-catching gold foil print. Comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Please feel free to ask questions in messages.
Certificate of authenticity included? Mint, Sealed and never opened? Only 2000 ever made. Each of the eight stamps in the set is coloured with selective embossing details to produce a stunning finish. The rare set comes in a bespoke black case with the iconic Rolling Stones logo in an eye-catching gold foil print. Comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Please feel free to ask questions in messages.
Certificate of authenticity included? Sealed and never opened? Only 2000 ever made. Each of the eight stamps in the set is coloured with selective embossing details to produce a stunning finish. The rare set comes in a bespoke black case with the iconic Rolling Stones logo in an eye-catching gold foil print. Comes with an individually numbered certificate of authenticity. Please feel free to ask questions in messages.